Sorrow Patch by Zion Blue


Tour Schedule:

February 24 – Paige @popthebutterfly
February 25 – JP
February 26 – Stacie @borenbooks
February 27 – Jasmine @thefreckledmind
February 28 – Nikki @thereadingrebel

In the once-tranquil village of Dwerry, change is stirring the air.

One soul touched by magic can feel it coming.

In this forgotten land lost to time, Patch’s peaceful, quiet, joyful life is about to turn into one adventure after another.

Recent events in the Creeper Forest have left Patch with terrible dreams and the nagging conviction that a supernatural force is trying to warn him about dire things to come.

Meanwhile, in the South Lands beyond Dwerry, a steely-eyed King Lucent sets his sights on something he wants from the village—and expects to have, whatever the costs.

Step into this wondrous realm of soldiers reborn and the fearsome Sorrow Man in a tale that will leave you shocked, saddened, and hungry for more.

Sorrow Patch, an epic adventure like no other, welcomes you on this mystical journey.

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