The Pacifist’s Sword by M.S. Uddin

Disclaimer: I received this book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Rating: 4.5/5

Publication Date: September 9, 2018

Genre: Fantasy

Recommended Age: 15+ (violence, death, gore)

Publisher: None

Pages: 283

  1. Amazon Link

Synopsis: The first of a series of dystopian thrillers – Set in a 22nd century London, after the fall of the internet; the division of society; the decimation of culture; the destruction of history. After the Great Cyber War and the rise of the White Arrow Party. London has changed.

Arthur cleans the streets of Whitechapel by day and reads illegal journals by night. After discovering the remains of a woman’s mutilated body he notices the similarities between this new killer and the infamous Jack The Ripper. But how will a pacifist deal with a violent psychopath?

Tina, an eighteen-year-old assassin of the famous Ruh Guild, moves to Whitechapel with the hopes of enjoying a quiet time away from her disturbing past. But as her path intertwines with Arthur’s, her duty as a Peacekeeper is forced into the fray.

Together can they stop history from repeating itself?

Review: I really liked this book. I thought it was a good mix of fantasy and dystopian. I liked the world building and the character development. I thought that the book was really well written! The author has a great talent with writing, he even breathes life into the minor characters!

However, I do feel that the pacing was a bit wonky in some parts. It felt like it was fast and slow a lot.

Verdict: I need the paperback!

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