Promo Post: The Kids in Mrs. Z’s Class by Various Authors

In Mrs. Z’s class, there are 18 students, each with their own stories and secrets. Perfect for bridging the gap for independent readers between picture books and longer middle grade novels, this chapter book series fits comfortably in the same general ballpark as The Magic Treehouse Series, Cam Jensen, and Ivy and Bean. I’ve attached a letter that authors Kate Messner and Rajani LaRocca sent to booksellers about the series so you can hear the details straight from them!

About the creators

Each student will get their own book within the series, each written by a highly acclaimed kidlit author. And what. a. lineup. Here is a quick look at the folks who have come together so far to collaborate on and populate Mrs. Z’s third-grade class:

The series is also illustrated by award-winning artist Kat Fajardo (Miss QuincesIsle of the Lost Graphic Novel)!

About the first two books

The first two books, Emma McKenna, Full Out and Rohan Murthy Has a Plan, are written by bestselling, award-winning authors Kate Messner [Over and Under the PondBreakout] and Rajani LaRocca [Red, White, and Whole; Sona and the Golden Beasts], respectively, with the next two books (by Karina Yan Glaser [The Vanderbeekers] and William Alexander [Goblin SecretsA Festival of Ghosts]) following this fall.